Monday, October 17, 2011

Surprise Party for Kendra...

 Kendra and her cake...
Can you say Surprise?
You can see by the look on her face she was!
The table... complete with confetti...
 The pink gift bags (she loves pink)
 Reece's Pieces from Aunt Peggy
 A coat from Grandma ~ Papa and Vicki
especially picked out by none other than Joshua
(since I'm not allowed to pick out clothes...
I don't know what's new and cool!)
 Supermodel Kendra with her million dollar smile!
It looks so cute on her and such a good color too!
Nice job Josh!
 Aunt Peggy ~ Grandma and Papa
The newest family picture...

Josh and I wanted to throw Kendra a birthday party... then we got to thinking... let's throw a surprise party... she wouldn't think anything about us having a party for her.  Kendra's birthday is on October 14th.. it just happened to be on a Friday... (Logan High football game night) ~ Saturday was with her family... Sunday Josh had to work so we decided that Monday would work perfect.  That was normally the night she and Josh worked on homework.  So on Friday... I sent her a text and Papa and Grandma called her for the birthday wishes. Come Monday I left work early to get the balloons and get everything ready... at 5:15 the call came and she was on her way. We had my mom and dad park in the garage so she wouldn't see their car and get suspicious.  Josh was out messing with my car in the driveway when she arrived.  Mom ~ dad ~ Aunt Peggy and I stood in the hallway waiting for the front door to open... SURPRISE... and she was... mission accomplished!  Steak ~ baked potatoes ~ corn ~ mom and dads homemade rolls and Aunt Peggy brought the apple cider fresh from Zollinger's Fruit Farm (I have to say... it is so delicious!).  Cake ~ ice cream and games completed the night of fun.  Happy Birthday Kendra... I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend!

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Thanks for visiting and remember ~ Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused! Huggies, Vicki