There really
is light at the end of the tunnel... who would have thought that re-entering in 400+ ads... figuring out what the new "class codes" are.... (yes they changed all of them!), making all of the price adjustments between the two systems... creating all of the headers and all the "little things" that goes into publishing a daily classified section... we actually pulled it off. It was not a "thing of beauty" but it worked... "Today's newspaper is tomorrows bird cage liner"... my "go to guy" Paul Davis told me that when I first became the manager 5 years ago... its taken a few years... but Paul... I believe you now... errors are a way of life in the classified department. It's still a little tough in trying to enter ads... Jana and I are not as quick as we were on the old system... but each ad is getting better... and a little bit easier! We still have lots to "figure out"... but I think the worst and hardest part is over...and we have Classifieds!
A BIG THANK YOU...* For the sweet cards left on my desk...
* The encouraging e-mails...
* Hugs from those who could tell I was loosing steam... fast...
* The "sports guys" who would come and check on me from 7pm - 11pm... to make sure I was still awake and not doing a "face plant" on my desk...
* Those who told some silly jokes to make my "load" a little lighter...Kristy I will never never stop laughing at those jokes... even though no one else thinks they are that funny!
* To my sweet Josh for bringing me lunch or dinner depending on how late I was working
* To my husband... for letting me "vent" at him when nothing would work!
* To my family... for understanding my crazy work schedule and not expecting me to do much... make that anything... on the home front!
* Paul and Jared - for understanding my "head popping up and spinning around" moments and still holding my hand on making the "techee" things work... you two are the best!
I hope The Herald Journal "mucky mucks" know what awesome people they have working for them! The way the HJ staff came together to take on this project... the extra hours that were spent at "The Office"... and all the moral support from the other departments... who this project really didn't affect... but were willing to do what they could to help us out... I think our staff is one that would make any company proud!
Herald Journal Employees...
You Rock!